"Inspired by William Hogarth's A Rake's progress, the six tapestries chart the "class journey" made the six tapestries chart the "class journey: made by the fictional Tim Rakewell and include many of the characters, incidents and objects that Grayson Perry encountered on his own journeys through Sunderland, Tunbridge Wells and the Cotswolds for the television series, 'All in the best possible taste with Grayson Perry.' In the television series Perry went on a safari amongst the taste tribes of Britain, to gather inspiration for his artwork, literally weaving the characters into narrative attention."
Some of Greyson Perry's sketches for his tapestry:
I personally prefer his sketchbooks as it shows how he works out the tapestry imagery. I also like seeing his rough sketches as it shows his process into making them large scale and all the notes you get to see.
The Adoration of the Cage-Fighters, Grayson Perry, 2011
Expulsion From Number 8 Eden Close, Grayson Perry, 2012
The Annunciation of the Virgin Deal, Grayson Perry. 2012
One aspect that I really enjoy about Perry's tapestries is the amount of colour, when you see these in an exhibition the colour is prominent and that is something that I would like to bring to my work, whether it be minimal colour or lots of colour like this one. I would like all of the colours to work together really well, and not look as though they clash or let the image look worst than it was. I would really like to look into colour theory to help my paintings.